Andrea Tsurumi Recommends! Choice Books from an Amazing Artist/Upcoming Virtual Guest

Kids , Book List

Still Stuck

Title: Still Stuck
By: Yoshitake, Shinsuke
Published: 2015

JPicture Yoshi.S

Age recommendations from publisher: Ages 3 to 7

Andrea says: "This really nails what it's like to be a human. A kid tries to take their shirt off over their head. Chaos ensues. 1000000000% solid gold. I love Yoshitake's other conceptual books too, but there's something simple and magical about this one that keeps bringing me back."

The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge

Title: The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge
By: Anderson, M.T. (illustrated by Eugene Yelchin)
Published: 2018

J Ander.M

Ages 10 to 14

Andrea says: "Love, love, love this enemies-to-friends-on-the-run bizarre Fantastic-Planet of a story, especially the inventive way the art and text work together to tell a hilarious story about distrust, betrayal, and peace."

When Aidan Became a Brother

Title: When Aidan Became a Brother
By: Lukoff, Kyle (illustrated by Kaylani Juanita)
Published: 2019

JPicture Lukof.K

Ages 4 to 7

Andrea says: "Everything about this is so. well. done. Aidan's such a richly realized character, he feels like someone next to you. His worries about protecting his new sibling, and his experiences as a Trans boy are incredibly compelling and relatable. Juanita's art is gorgeous and specific - super effective in building the world of this family."

Hamster Princess: Ratpunzel

Title: Hamster Princess: Ratpunzel
By: Vernon, Ursula
Published: 2016

J Verno.U

Ages 8 to 12

Andrea says: "The premise of this series absolutely kills: a cursed hamster princess realizes she's technically invulnerable until she pricks her finger on a hamster wheel and so launches herself into adventure-having, mystery solving, and quail-riding. Absolutely brilliant."


Title: Twins
By: Johnson, Varian (illustrated by Shannon Wright)
Published: 2020

JGraphic Johns.V

Ages 8 to 12

Andrea says: "Love this story about sibling struggles and school drama. So much nuance about identity and change is packed in here, and it's such a fun story to read."

Dinosaur Empire! (Earth Before Us)

Title: Dinosaur Empire! (Earth Before Us)
By: Howard, Abby
Published: 2017

JGraphic Howar.A

Ages 8 to 12

Andrea says: "I love me some hilarious nonfiction. These comics about prehistoric Earth do something really hard (cover a ton of details and data in a clear and compelling way) and are incredibly funny about it. It's like a chaotic-good Magic School Bus."

Sanity & Tallulah

Title: Sanity & Tallulah
By: Brooks, Molly
Published: 2018

JGraphic Brook.M

Ages 8 to 12

Andrea says: "A wonderfully clever and masterfully plotted series of sci-fi mysteries about friendship in outer space. You'd be hard-pressed to find tighter, funnier dialogue and the mysteries are legitimately thrilling, but it's the little character details that kill me - how well Sanity & Tallulah just know each other, the badly made plans of space pirates, the trust the space teachers have in the kids, and of course, the deep and abiding love of a three-headed kitten named Princess Sparkle Destroyer of Worlds."

Field Trip (Sanity & Tallulah #2)

Title: Field Trip (Sanity & Tallulah #2)
By: Brooks, Molly
Published: 2019

Ages 8 to 12

JGraphic Brook.M

Please see Andrea's recommendation for the Sanity & Talluluah series above.

Shortcuts (Sanity & Tallulah #3)

Title: Shortcuts (Sanity & Tallulah #3)
By: Brooks, Molly
Published: 2021

JGraphic Brook.M

Ages 8 to 12

Please see Andrea's recommendation for the Sanity & Tallulah series above.

All Eyes on Ozzy!

Title: All Eyes on Ozzy!
By: Steele, K-Fai
Published: 2021

Ages 4 to 8

JPicture Steel.K

Andrea says: "Almost no one does character the way K-Fai does. This book is both so funny and so true in showing what it feels like to be a kid trying to stand out."

Jane, the Fox and Me

Title: Jane, the Fox and Me
By: Britt, Fanny (illustrated by Isabel Arsenault)
Published: 2013

YA Graphic Britt.F (Please note that this in our Teen section.)

Ages 11 and up

Andrea says: "Not only is this gorgeous story about a lonely girl brilliantly told, but there's something about finishing it that immediately makes me want to write and draw. Comics at their best make you jump over that line from loving a thing to making a thing - something I could say about pretty much any book in this list."

Everybody in the Red Brick Building

Title: Everybody in the Red Brick Building
By: Wynter, Anne
Published: 2021

JPicture Wynte.A (currently on order--you can place a hold!)

Ages 4 to 8

Andrea says: "A gorgeous lullaby of a book that really captures the feeling of adjacent waking, living, and sleeping in an apartment building. Brilliant color and composition move your eye through each spread."

Plenty of Hugs

Title: Plenty of Hugs
By: Manushkin, Fran
Published: 2020

JPicture Manus.F

Ages 2 to 5

Andrea says: "A musical and lovely celebration of everyday love in a family, and a great instance of positive incidental LGBTQ+ representation. Just a treasure of sunlit affection."

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