evanstonpubliclibrary's Book Reviews

The Avant-Guards Volume 1

The Avant-Guards Volume 1

Charlie has just transferred to an arts school. She doesn’t know anyone and she’s not even sure she made the right choice switching schools.  During an activity fair she starts getting hounded by a girl at one of the booths who is trying to start a basketball team at the school for the first time.  […]

Dustborn by Erin Bowman

Dustborn by Erin Bowman

I’ve always been a fan of Erin Bowman.  She writes amazing science fiction and some of the only historical fiction (westerns) I actually enjoy reading.  Dustborn combines all of the world building and action  from her previous books into one story.  Delta, lives in a world where everything is sun scorched and desert.  Rivers and […]

Firekeeper’s Daughter Angeline Boulley

Firekeeper’s Daughter Angeline Boulley

In this YA thriller with a Native teen at its center, Firekeepers Daughters opens upon a small Canadian town over the border from the U.S., embedded with indigenous culture, yet still discriminatory and separate, and above all a small town hiding dark secrets. Daunis, a fierce hockey player, sister and friend, bridges the divide in […]



In our day-to-day lives, what keeps us going? What motive force drives all of our everyday actions, and what would happen if that force were to disappear?  In Sycthe, by Neil Shusterman, we explore a world in which Death-that quiet inevitability that drives us to relish each day-has been vanquished. Hundreds of years ago, the […]

Almost American Girl Robin Ha

Almost American Girl Robin Ha

Do you love graphic novels with authentic female leads and true stories of teens finding their ways? “Almost American Girl” by Robin Ha is a must read! Chronicling the author’s move from South Korea to the US in the 90’s, a teenager forced by her mother to adapt to an entirely new world. Entering the […]

Clean Getaway by Nic Stone

Clean Getaway by Nic Stone

William “Scoob” Lamar has been suspended from school and his dad, who’s always hard on him is not pleased.  Scoob thinks this suspension is going be a huge drag until his G-ma pulls up one day in an RV and says they’re going on a road trip.  Scoob loves hi G-ma, so he doesn’t think […]

Batman: The Killing Joke

Batman: The Killing Joke

“See, there were these two guys in a lunatic asylum” and that’s how the joke starts. The Joker escapes Arkham Asylum and decides to cause chaos, as usual. However, this time he has a specific motive: to prove he isn’t so different from everyone else, that life and all human systems and values are part […]

The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person

The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Person

The Black Friend, is a great resource for white teens looking to learn more about anti -racism and social justice.  Not only does author, Fredrick Joseph pull in his own perspectives and life experiences into the book; he also interviews  authors and activists like Angie Thomas and Jemele Hill.   Joseph covers and gives relatable examples […]

Angel of Greenwood Randi Pink

Angel of Greenwood Randi Pink

The year is 1921 in this fictional tale of two teenagers growing up and falling in love in historic Greenwood, or Black Wall Street, in Tulsa Oklahoma days before the horrific race massacre. Isaiah is secretly an intelligent poet and deep thinker, but he hides his true self behind the persona of a mischievous troublemaker. […]



“God exists and he’s American”. Actually, to be more specific, he’s from New York. The Watchmen are a group of semi-retired vigilantes. Within the group exists Dr. Manhattan, a physicist who disintegrated himself in a freak accident, somehow puts himself back together and as a result gains countless abilities. The US government then decides to […]

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