Black Stories Past, Present and Future
Title: Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick: Stories from the Harlem Renaissance
By: Zora Neale Hurston
Published: 2020
This collection of short stories reveals African American folk culture in Harlem in the 1920s, including eight "lost" gems from a beloved author.
Title: Black is the Body: stories from my grandmother's time, my mother's time, and mine
By: Emily Bernard
Published: 2019
Twelve personal essays about race, about womanhood, about friendship..."Race is the story of my life, and therefore black is the body of this book."
Title: Mothership : tales from afrofuturism and beyond
By: Edited by Bill Campbell and Edward Austin Hall
Published: 2013
An anthology of speculative fiction stories by and about BIPOC folks.