The Antlered Ship, written by Dashka Slater, illustrated by The Fan Brothers
Reviewed by: Brian Wilson
Title: The Antlered Ship
By: Slater, Dashka
Published: 2017
Call #: JPicture Slate.D
Do you want to see a beautifully illustrated picture book? Open up The Antlered Ship and examine those panoramic illustrations rendered in graphite and ballpoint pen (and then colored digitally) by the gloriously talented Fan Brothers. In this high seas adventure, an inquisitive fox joins a crew of deer and pigeons on a ship bearing enormous antlers. Together these unlikely naviagtors sail to find an island that offers many delicious treats. Meanwhile, the sad fox simply wants to find other foxes who can answer his many questions about life and the world. Slater keeps the reader guessing as to what will happen next as the story unfolds. The Fan Brothers fill each page with memorable images of the ship being tossed at sea, amusingly dangerous animal pirates who try to sabotage the heroes’ quest, and of the beautiful island. Each turn of the page will make you say “wow” as you look at the beautiful, sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking drawings. Masterful on every level.