Need Amazing Children’s Books in Spanish? Hilda’s Got Your Back

June 5, 2019

I’m continually fascinated by those people that specialize in specific forms of literature. Let us say, for example, that you wanted the latest, greatest list of children’s books being released. Easy enough, but what if you wanted those books in Spanish? This is a question our public schools and libraries have been trying to tackle. […]

Books to Women in Prison: The Chicago Area Stands Up

May 8, 2019

How is a library unlike a bookstore? Well, for one thing, we’re free. Sort of an unfair advantage there. For another thing, unlike in a bookstore, our stock keeps coming back. No sooner have I gotten one book off of a shelf than another one’s arrived for reshelving. It can be exhausting, not to mention […]

Book Talk and Chatter: Podcasts for Literature Lovers

February 28, 2019

It’s no secret that podcasts are now the radio of the 21st century. Even if you don’t know someone who actually runs one, then you may subscribe to a couple on the sly. My phone’s podcast app is regularly filled with episodes I should check out, even as others fade from my mind. If you […]

#readblack News: Not Just in February But Every Month

February 1, 2019

February has historically been deemed Black History Month nationwide, but it’s important to remember that we should be celebrating Black historical figures and creators every month of the year. With that in mind, one of my librarians recently discovered a list on that presents the Top Black Newspapers and Web Sites found here in […]

Free Streaming Movies from the Library? Meet Kanopy

January 17, 2019

I like free movies. I suspect you do as well. But here’s the thing: Not every movie made in the world ever makes it to DVD. As a librarian, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had patrons come in looking for a foreign film, a movie from the past, or a documentary they […]

Afrofuturism: Looking to the Future Today

December 19, 2018

Afrofuturism (def): “a movement in literature, music, art, etc., featuring futuristic or science fiction themes which incorporate elements of black history and culture.” Originating in the mid to late 1990s, Afrofuturism takes particular care to explore the intersection of African/African Diaspora culture with technology. And if you’re only learning about it now, you have one movie […]

Pop-Up Stores Step Aside: Introducing the Pop-Up Library

November 6, 2018

Imagine you’re sitting, waiting, bored. Maybe you’re at the Robert Crown Center, waiting for your kid to get out of hockey practice. Maybe you’re in the waiting room at the Erie Family Health Center waiting for your appointment. Perhaps you’re at the Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center, waiting for a show to begin. Waiting can be tough, […]

What’s Big, Green, and Eats Books By the Cartload?

July 6, 2018

Here at the library we have a new addition and you can see it anytime you like. Just drive down Church Street and pull into the alleyway just after Orrington. On your left, on the East side of the library, you’ll see a big green bin. It kind of looks like a drop box for […]

Meet NoveList: Your New Best Book Recommendation Friend

April 26, 2018

So here’s my #1 frustration with working at Evanston Public Library. It’s not the people, they’re great. And it’s not the collection since I absolutely love what we already have on hand and what I’m able to get. No, for me, my frustration stems from all the incredible things we provide that nobody has even […]

Self-Publishing at the Library: How Biblioboard Works for You

February 28, 2018

Anyone can write a book. The question is, “How do you draw attention to it?” The Evanston Public Library is offering a service that aims to answer that question. I don’t think I’m surprising anyone when I say that self-publishing has come a long way. Gone are the days when vanity presses were the sole […]

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