The Wild and Scenic Film Festival: A Reading Guide

February 5, 2016

A question for you today, ladies and gents.  Where might you find the nation’s largest environmental film festival?  Would that be in New York?  In Los Angeles?  In Chicago proper?  NO!  As it just so happens, the largest environmental film festival happens right here in our very own Evanston, IL.  Called The Wild and Scenic […]

Crazy Good Websites for Chicago Research

February 4, 2016

Adult services librarian Lorena discovered the following local history websites.  She says: I’ve come across a few good websites for local history questions recently, and thought I would share them here. First up is Explore Chicago Collections website,  You can search by major historical events, by neighborhood, by city (including Evanston), by name, by […]

Favorite Find of the Week: Mother Earth News

February 2, 2016

I don’t ask for much out of life. The occasional Grande Iced Chai Latte from Starbucks. A small child who doesn’t wake me up before 6 a.m.  Shoes with zero holes in them. Simple stuff.  But there is one thing I do demand of my job and it is this: Consistently amusing discoveries.  I don’t […]

I Tumbled, I Tweeted, I Taught: Critical Engagement Through Social Media

January 28, 2016

Look at the internet today. Things are happening online right now that would have been inconceivable even five years ago.  With that in mind I have to say I can think of few topics more timely than the ones that will be raised at the upcoming Social Media Institute in Skokie at National Louis University. […]

EPL Literary Salon: Bring Books to the Border

January 27, 2016

When I moved from New York Public Library to Evanston I brought with me two small children, a husband, more doggone books than I know how to read, and my Children’s Literary Salon.  Back in New York it was a monthly gathering of enthusiasts of children’s books who would come together for moderated talks.  I […]

Star Wars: When You Need More Than an Awakened Force

January 26, 2016

So. Did you see the new Star Wars movie?  I bet.  How many times did you see it?  Just once?  Twice?  Three times?!  Bet you’re wishing the next one in the series would come out tomorrow, don’t you?  There a LOT of time to go before then.  Well I’m going to let you in on […]

Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Evanston Public Library #3: Offer Withdrawn

January 18, 2016

I think most of us can agree that $100,000 is a lot of money.  A chunk of change.  A veritable pot o’ moolah.  In 1900 it was worth even more.  That’s what so peculiar about today’s story.  Imagine failing to earn $100,000 for something you really need.  That’s pretty much what happened to Evanston Public Library […]

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