To the Evanston Community: The Evanston Public Library stands in solidarity with our Black community members. We grieve the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis. We condemn this brutal injustice, one of far too many killings that have preceded it, including those of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor. We stand for racial equity […]
For some library patrons, the move to virtual programming has yielded some unexpected benefits. Since moving their meetings to Zoom and expanding from one to three meetings per week, the Readability book group at Evanston Public Library has seen their membership double. Readability is a book group for adults with mental and developmental disabilities which […]
The Evanston Public Library has issued a Commitment to Racial Equity statement that defines equity and recognizes historic racism in Evanston. The Library’s commitment prioritizes strategic outreach to underserved populations and a breakdown of socioeconomic barriers; improving engagement with the community; reflecting the diversity of the Evanston community in Library collections; and developing a Racial […]
It’s National Library Week and we are continuing to serve the public in ways traditional and new. With services now gone remote, we’ve used our ability to quickly change gears and leverage existing technologies and relationships, so we can provide access to resources for all. “Our staff has spent a lot of energy curating our […]
EPL Technology trainer Sergio Gonzalez continues to teach basic computer classes in Spanish via remote instruction during the shelter-in-place order. He says of the classes, “This is the best way to continue supporting our Spanish speaking residents during these difficult times. They want to continue growing their computer skills. It’s my duty to provide them the […]
Quiero leer el informe anual en español. This year we tell the story of our Library’s year by focusing on the breadth of people we serve and who give back to us every day. Inside this Annual Report, the faces you see will be familiar — because the Library is all of us. Equity training […]
Introducing Hoopla Bonus Borrows, featuring more than one thousand titles you can download and stream without using your four monthly borrows! Need help getting started? Explore Hoopla FAQs , our step-by-step guide, or contact us. New! Need a card? Evanston residents can apply for a card online or at library location. Learn more here. Bonus borrows For adults Take […]
Do you love e-books or e-audiobooks? Do you love the Libby app? Do you dislike it when all of your holds become available in the same week and there is not enough time to read them all? There have been some recent changes to Libby that will help make sure you’re able to read the […]
Transgender employees at Evanston Public Library as well as those transitioning to that status will be protected under a new policy that was adopted by the Library’s Board of Trustees on Feb. 19. Read the complete story by Bob Seidenberg in The Evanston Roundtable.
How To Listen to a Podcast With the launching of the Evanston Public Library’s podcast, The Check Out, it’s time for a review of how to use this wonderful entertainment and communication tool, the podcast. Think of it as the key to an incredible new treasury of ideas, advice, and entertainment, like a radio station […]