National Poetry Month: April 22nd

April 22, 2011

Long Gone Lonesome Blues by A.E. Stallings Death was something that hadn’t happened yet. I was driving in my father’s pickup truck At some late hour, the hour of broken luck. It seeped up through the dashboard’s oubliette, Clear voice through the murk — the radio was set Halfway between two stations and got stuck. […]

National Poetry Month: April 21st

April 21, 2011

Happiness by Raymond Carver So early it’s still almost dark out. I’m near the window with coffee, and the usual early morning stuff that passes for thought. When I see the boy and his friend walking up the road to deliver the newspaper. They wear caps and sweaters, and one boy has a bag over […]

Coming Soon: Kindle Compatible with MyMediaMall/Overdrive!

April 20, 2011

Wow.  Pigs can fly.  And Kindle will soon be compatible with Overdrive/My Media Mall.  This is huge…  And I finally get to stop feeling guilty for loving my Kindle.  Here are a couple details below but for the whole story, see the complete blog post from Overdrive The Kindle Library Lending program will support the […]

2011 Pulitzer Prize Winners

April 20, 2011

Winners for this year’s Pulitzer Prize Pulitzer Prizes were awarded in 13 journalism categories and 7 arts categories, including fiction, poetry and drama. See this NYT article for all the news that’s fit to print. Laura, Reader’s Services

National Poetry Month: April 20th

April 20, 2011

Don’t Go Far Off, Not Even for a Day by Pablo Neruda Don’t go far off, not even for a day, because — because — I don’t know how to say it: a day is long and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station when the trains are parked off somewhere […]

National Poetry Month: April 19th

April 19, 2011

Mirror by Sylvia Plath I am silver and exact.  I have no preconceptions. Whatever I see I swallow immediately Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike. I am not cruel, only truthful — The eye of a little god, four-cornered. Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall. It is pink, […]

Facts in “Three Cups of Tea” Questioned

April 18, 2011

Greg Mortenson, author of the enormously popular book Three Cups of Tea, has been called upon to support the facts in his book and to explain how his charitable foundation is spending its money. The controversy puts publisher Penguin Group USA in the uncomfortable position of having to defend its fact checking of nonfiction books […]

Royal Wedding Inspired eBooks

April 18, 2011

With the royal wedding only two weeks away, it seems that everyone is hoping to cash in on the Kate Middleton/Prince William bandwagon. According to USA Today, Harlequin has just commissioned seven novellas for its “Royal Weddings” ebook collection. Another publishing house, Avon, has also announced a royal anthology ebook which includes three love stories. For all […]

National Poetry Month: April 18th

April 18, 2011

Passing Remark by William Stafford In scenery I like flat country. In life I don’t like much to happen. In personalities I like mild colorless people. And in colors I prefer gray and brown. My wife, a vivid girl from the mountains, says, “Then why did you choose me?” Mildly I lower my brown eyes […]

National Poetry Month: April 17th

April 17, 2011

Selecting a Reader by Ted Kooser First, I would have her be beautiful, and walking carefully up on my poetry at the loneliest moment of an afternoon, her hair still damp at the neck from washing it.  She should be wearing a raincoat, an old one, dirty from not having money enough for the cleaners. […]

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