New Take on Cleopatra by Pulitzer-winning Author

November 18, 2010

Stacy Schiff has written a book delving into the life of Cleopatra in a way that hasn’t been done for a while. Schiff focuses more on the ruler’s character and political skill than the Hollywood version many of us are familiar with. (This view corresponds to a National Geographic article I read recently on Cleopatra […]

Fragments of Marilyn Monroe

November 15, 2010

This Vanity Fair article includes some fascinating excerpts from Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters by Marilyn Monroe, which reveal Ms. Monroe as a young woman with a “fierce determination to master her art,” and “for whom writing and poetry were lifelines, the ways and means to discover who she was and to sort through her often […]

An Interview with John Sevigny

November 13, 2010

John Sevigny is a photographer, writer, activist, and the latest artist to be featured in our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  His show  – titled Nomads – is currently on display on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Branch where it defiantly dismisses immigration stereotypes in an affectingly intimate photographic series.  You can catch Nomads through […]

Writers Reading: Paul Auster

November 11, 2010

Writers Reading is a brand spanking new Off the Shelf feature that lets you experience your favorite authors reading from their work.  We kick things off with the following clip of Paul Auster reading from his new novel Sunset Park.  Enjoy, and check back often for more Writers Reading. [youtube=]

Prof Discovers Donor and Grandfather are One and the Same

November 11, 2010

Journalism professor Ted Gup used an old suitcase of his grandfather’s letters to pursue the identity of a mysterious donor in the Canton, OH, area 80 years ago. It turns out that “B. Virdot”  was really Sam Stone, a successful businessman and Jewish immigrant, who gave money to help unfortunate people. Gup has written a […]

Chicago’s Lack of School Libraries Debated

November 10, 2010

I was aware that some schools did not have full library services or trained staff, but I had no idea how bad the situation was until I heard this story. According to this NPR report around 25% of elementary schools are managing (are  they?) without a library. That sounds very high. Shira S. Also see […]

A great ebook comparison chart

November 10, 2010

Now everyone who knows me knows that I LOVE my Kobo ereader.  I love the company philosophy, I love that I can download library books, and I love that I can buy books from almost any ebook store.  I also love the feel of this reader (I also own an ipad, and it’s just too […]

A Street Well Traveled

November 7, 2010

Chances are good you’ve been there before.  It’s a place where the days are sunny, the air is sweet, and the friendly neighbors are on a first-name basis with everyone they meet.  The place is Sesame Street, and this month the PBS phenomenon celebrates its 41st year of educating and entertaining children of all ages. […]

Teen Sales Going Strong at Barnes and Nobles

November 4, 2010

Young adult books are among the biggest sellers at BN. In order to facilitate shopping the store is separating the two most popular genres, paranormal romance and fantasy and adventure from regular fiction. These are only surpassed by adult fiction! Shira S.

Stieg Larsson’s Trilogy To Be Released as Gift Set

November 3, 2010

  Knopf has announced that it is packaging Larsson‘s phenomenally popular Millennium trilogy as a set with an added book on the late author. It should be out around Thanksgiving and retail for $99.  For those of you who may have missed the tsunami, the titles are The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl […]

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