New YA/Children’s Awards Announced

November 2, 2010

The American Library Association has announced a new award for gay literature for children and teens.  The award is called the Stonewall Children’s and Young Adult Literature Award.

“Illinois’s Regional Library Systems Gasping for Air”

November 2, 2010

At the end of October, the State of Illinois finally released $2.8 million in funds owed to 10 library systems throughout the state (including the North Suburban Library System). While this is welcome news, library systems are still waiting for an additional $3.7 million in funds for FY 2010 (which ended four months ago). It is […]

Ready, Set, Write! NaNoWriMo Is Here!

November 1, 2010

November is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), which means this is your chance to participate in a writing frenzy that aims to stifle your inner critic and get you to produce a full-length (50, 000-word) novel by the end of the month. (And no, you can’t simply write one word 50, 000 times and claim victory.) See […]

College Students Prefer Print

October 31, 2010

E-books and e-readers generate much attention these days, but according to a study by OnCampus Research Watch,  most college students are buying printed books. Less than 10% of the students surveyed (627) bought e-readers voluntarily and most did not plan on purchasing the devices anytime soon. Shira S.

Vending Art in Small Boxes

October 31, 2010

An artist in Germany has arranged to sell small original art pieces very inexpensively by stocking renovated vending machines. Over 100 artists are participating and each box contains information about the artist, a website,and something about his/her style. The art can be found in bars, public buildings, and walls and cost less than $3.00 each. […]

A Great Time to be a Zombie

October 30, 2010

Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be a zombie these days.  With a single-mindedness that only an animated corpse could muster, the zombies have recently risen from the grave to enjoy unprecedented heights of popularity.  But even as they rub rotting elbows with the “beautiful people,” the zombies have always managed to stay true to […]

Harry Potter and the Nerdiest Student Ever

October 29, 2010

I guess it pays to be a nerd – after being featured in this Sun-Times article, U. of C senior AshleyDemma won the $10,000 grand prize in the Embassy Suites Uber Fan Contest.  Her plans for the money? New Year’s Eve at Harry Potter World. (Laura H.)

Agatha Tired of Poirot, Reveals her Grandson

October 28, 2010

As a stalwart fan of both anything Agatha Christie and Hercule Poirot, I was a little dismayed by the idea that she lost enthusiasm for her Belgian detective. (Fortunately, she kept at it, anyway!) Her grandson, Mathew Pritchard, explains Christie’s attitude and some other interesting bits. Shira S.

Local Art @ EPL

October 28, 2010

If you missed his October 16th presentation “Death in a Lawless Land: The Massacre of Immigrants in Mexico,” mark your calendar because artist and activist John Sevigny is bringing his powerful photographs back to the library.  We are thrilled to announce that Mr. Sevigny will be the next artist in our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  Beginning […]

Ten Best “Best of” Books for 10/10/10

October 28, 2010

Great article from LA Times that offers informed suggestions for quality reading in several categories, such as Best American Short Stories, Best Food Writing, and Best American Nonrequired Reading. In addition, it also provides nourishment for those fascinated by the “ten” theme, as in October 10, 2010. See bottom of article for quirky “ten” links. […]

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