When Life Gives You Volcanic Ash . . .

September 20, 2010

For most travelers, an airport delay usually means plenty of time spent griping, grumbling, grousing, and groaning. Longer delays (and more seasoned, synonymically gifted travelers) may result in kicking, kvetching, moaning, murmuring, barking and bellyaching. With even more time spent crammed into uncomfortable airport chairs eating dry $9 sandwiches and listening to the endless looping drones of CNN anchors most travelers are fresh […]

Your Brain on Computers

September 20, 2010

Matt Richtel, technology reporter for the NY Times, has written some great features about the effect on our brains of being constantly plugged into digital devices, cellphones, and e-mail.  His conclusion? Giving our brains downtime improves attention spans, memory, learning, and concentration. In other words, an uncluttered mind is a very good thing. Mary B., […]

International Thriller Writers announce awards

September 14, 2010

The fifth annual awards from the International Thriller Writers was announced several weeks ago in NYC. Twist Phelan won for her story ” A Stab in the Heart.”  ( EPL owns a few of her novels, some of which I am currently investigating!) Phelan is an endurance athlete and former trial attorney. Barbara Vey, an […]

Heads up, Researchers! Vatican library to reopen after 3 year break

September 14, 2010

After $11.5 million dollars, improved climate  controls,  and heightened security  measures, the Vatican announced the reopening of its Apostolic library. All 70,000 volumes were off limits to the four to five thousand scholars who visit the facility annually. Started in 1450, the collection is renowned for its rare and spectacularly illuminated manuscripts. Shira S.

An Interview with Paul Whittaker

September 10, 2010

Paul Whittaker is an Evanston based artist, the latest to be featured in our local art exhibition series Local Art @ EPL. You can currently view Mr. Whittaker’s show, entitled Circular Logic, on the 2nd Floor of the Evanston Public Library. Mr. Whittaker creates his art using a variety of mediums and materials and often […]

Read a Koran/Qur’an Day

September 10, 2010

Heard about the Dove World Outreach Center’s plan to publicly burn a stack of Korans on September 11th? Just in time for Banned Books Week, many organizations around the world are promoting September 11th as “International Read a Koran Day”. For those wishing to participate, or who simply want to know more about his highly […]

ALA Banned Books Week ReadOut event at EPL

September 4, 2010

If you are passionate about the Right to Read and want to celebrate Banned/Challenged books, then join the discussion during a “Banned Books Week ReadOut” at Evanston Public Library on Friday, September 24 from 3 – 6 p.m.  ALA’s annual “Banned Books Week” will be observed September 25 – October 2, 2010.  (read more)

Big Book of Small, Cool Spaces

August 31, 2010

If you’re trying to find creative solutions for small spaces in your home, then take a look at the tips and photos in Apartment Therapy’s Big Book of Small, Cool Spaces  for inspiration. Filled with great ideas from small homes across the country!  For even more photos and advice, see the Apartment Therapy blog.

Barack Obama Collection at Northwestern University Library

August 31, 2010

Voice of American featured the  exhibit of Barack Obama ephemera at Northwestern University Melville J. Herskovitz Library of African Studies.  Entitled “Africa Embraces Obama“, the collection is one of the largest gathering of Barack Obama items in the world.

Local Art @ EPL

August 27, 2010

EPL is pleased as punch to feature the art of Paul Whittaker, currently on display in the library. Mr. Whittaker is the latest artist in our ongoing series of local art exhibitions. The show, entitled Circular Logic, features many of Mr. Whittaker’s pieces in a variety of different mediums. Watercolors, paints, pastels, and photography are all […]

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