Trees of Knowledge

March 26, 2010

Yesterday I happened to read the editor’s introduction to the latest issue of Orion magazine. Orion is generally considered to be a “nature” magazine, and is usually shelved with similar titles at most newsstands and bookstores. But as the editor points out, Orion never intended to be viewed as any particular genre or fill any […]

New film on French collaboration with Nazis

March 25, 2010

Ms. Rosalyn Bosch has created a new film on the Vichy government’s roundup of 76,000 Jews during World War II, called La Rafle. I don’t think it is available yet in the states, but keep an eye out- it sounds very compelling and may fill in a rather neglected area of history. Heard on NPR’s […]

The Girl Who Took the U.S. by Storm

March 23, 2010

Here’s a wonderful article by Booklist editor and publisher Bill Ott on the Stieg Larsson trilogy that’s taking American readers by storm. Laura H., Reader’s Services

From London with Love

March 20, 2010

Spring has officially arrived, and if you choose to believe the hype, love is in the air.  Truth be told, however, the springtime air is also filled with pollen, mold, bees, and countless other love-inhibiting allergens and insects.  So, if you’d rather not trust your love connection to a seasonal weather change, allow me to […]

If You Love Libraries, Stand Up and Be Counted

March 19, 2010

As Evanstonians are acutely aware, times are tough for libraries. The current economic climate has resulted in cuts to library funding nationwide. Large cities and small towns alike have been feeling the crunch of tight budgets and funding cuts. But for those of us who love and support our local libraries, there are still ample […]

Where I Come From They Call it an “Atwood”

March 19, 2010

Margaret Atwood is many things: poet, novelist, political activist. She has published countless novels, essays and other non-fiction works, children’s books, and books of poetry. Among her numerous awards and honors, she has won the prestigious Booker Prize (and been nominated for it five times!). She is as highly regarded for her science fiction books […]

When to give up on a book

March 19, 2010

Chicago Tribune Cultural Critic Julia Keller writes another interesting article on when to abandon a book (Laura H.)

The Double Life of Betsy Bird

March 18, 2010

Here’s an interesting article in Forbes about a woman who is passionate about children’s literature, and is no shrinking violet when it comes to voicing her opinion. She’s raised a storm of protest and venom by critisizing the critics. “By day, a librarian. By night, the most powerful blogger in kids’ books,” writes author Dirk […]

Why Adults Read YA Literature

March 18, 2010

Looking for a good book to read? Stop by The Loft of the Evanston Public Library. But those are young adult books, you exclaim! A recent article in The Los Angeles Times illuminates a variety of reasons why adults are reading young adult literature. Says Skurnick, who also reviews adult fiction for the LA Times […]

Reading in place

March 18, 2010

Here is New York, by E. B. White, Persuasion, by Jane Austen, Dubliners, by James Joyce. These books may not appear to have anything in common, but they are all on my list of “Reading in Place Books.” There’s a particular thrill that comes from reading, or more likely, re-reading, a book in the location […]

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