Black History Month–selected new books at EPL

February 2, 2012

Searching for new books on black history? EPL has compiled three lists of recent releases to help you find the materials you need. History:  Explore the rich and varied history of the African American experience. Society & Culture: The African American experience in relation to society, culture, politics, current events, and more. Biography & Memoir: Individual […]

What is World Book Night?

February 1, 2012

April 23rd is not a special date just because it’s William Shakespeare’s birthday. It’s also World Book Night, a charity dedicated to the promotion of literacy and the celebration, sharing and enjoyment of reading amongst teenagers and adults. The first World Book Night was held in the UK in 2011. In 2012 World Book Night […]

Freading: Program for Libraries to Pay for E-books

January 31, 2012

How does this sound? A program to allow libraries to pay per use for e-book downloads. Freading is a new product from Library Ideas of Fairfax, VA. Over 50 libraries are on board and as many as 40 publishers. No mention of specific costs. Shira S.

Poetry 365

January 28, 2012

This month for Poetry 365 we’re highlighting Troy Jollimore’s eagerly awaited follow-up to his acclaimed debut Tom Thomson in Purgatory, winner of the 2006 National Book Critics Circle Award.  In At Lake Scugog, the California State University professor continues his exploration of age-old philosophical questions in clever, flexibly formal verse that includes 14 new sonnets […]

As close as it comes to having a custom-written book

January 26, 2012

A cartoon I saw a while back showed a dismayed looking man standing at a customer service desk in a book store. The caption reads, “I’m sorry, sir, we don’t have any books with that title, but if you tell me the plot, setting and main characters, we’ll have it written for you.” Ha, ha, you […]

Discerning Diva of Publishing

January 26, 2012

A feature article on Amy Einhorn probes what it takes to be a good editor and publisher. How many of us would have backed The Help, a runaway bestseller, had we known it was rejected 60 times?! “I need to be able to convince you in thirty seconds of speaking to make you want to […]

A list of favorite business books from Bloomberg News

January 25, 2012

For those who can’t get enough insight on the current economic environment be it personal, local, or global, James Pressley of  Bloomberg News offers his list of  current favorites as reported in this Chicago Tribune article in Monday’s (1/23/12) edition. Covering the gamut of topics from figuring out if you’re smart enough to work for […]

Libraries Struggle to Fill E-book Demands

January 24, 2012

EarlyWord points out an interesting article in the Washington Post about the difficulties libraries have in obtaining e-books.Some facilities do not have funds to keep up with the need and some publishers are not fully cooperating with the libraries. The article highlights the friction between slashed library budgets and the growing pressure to keep up […]

Happy 150th Birthday, Edith Wharton

January 24, 2012

January 24 is the 150th anniversary of Edith Wharton’s birth. A native New Yorker, her birthday is being celebrated throughout the city. Some of her most well-known work includes The House of Mirth, Ethan Frome, and The Age of Innocence. Yesterday’s New York Times has a wonderful article about her and her connection to the popular BBC […]

“Babel No More” Explores Multilingual People

January 24, 2012

This book examines the lives of some figures who manage to study and master not one or two foreign languages, but dozens. The reviewer claims that what might sound like dull material is actually quite fascinating as Michael Erard looks back to discuss prominent language masters of old, such as Cardinal Giuseppe Mezzofanti, who could […]

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