From Mexico to Evanston: Latino Studies at Northwestern University

September 29, 2011

Panel discussions are good, but they are even better if they can connect to the real world.  Join members of the Latino/a Studies Department at Northwestern University for an engaging panel discussion about how Latino Studies connects with our local community. The program takes place on Wednesday, October 5th @ 7 pm in the Evanston […]

Happy National Coffee Day!

September 29, 2011

If you’re looking to justify your second or sixth cup of coffee this morning, then my friend, you’re in luck.  Today from Philly to Phoenix and St. Paul to San Antone java junkies are hoisting their ceramic mugs high in celebration of National Coffee Day.  For the next twenty-four glorious hours, you can feel free […]

Čtení pomáhá – Reading Helps

September 28, 2011

Czech multimillionaire Martin Roman and his wife decided to donate most of their estimated $30 million fortune to charity during their lifetimes because “no child is happy because he/she inherits a lot of money.” When the 42-year old businessman learned that Czech students scored below average in reading skills and comprehension, he got the idea to start Čtení pomáhá (Reading Helps), […]

Time to Toss the GPS!

September 28, 2011

At the risk of sounding extremely nerdy, here goes:  EarlyWord is shining a spotlight on a book by the top jeopardy winner of all time, Ken Jennings. (link to NPR.)  Maphead: Charting the Wide, Weird World of Geography Wonks discusses his pursuit of maps. (Part of his success on the show was due to his understanding of […]

Where Do Fashion, Libraries, and Chicago Intersect?

September 25, 2011

I did a real double take recently. The CTA bus in my neighborhood showed photos of designer Karl Lagerfeld’s library as the backdrop for supermodel Coco Rocha and his new line for Macy’s called “Impulse.” (above) How did I recognize the bookcases? They were clearly from the same setting I saw in my Off the […]

Citizens Committee for Decent Publications

September 23, 2011

The week of September 24th – October 1st is Banned Books Week. It made me think of a file of newspaper clippings we have here at the Evanston Library on the Evanston Citizens Committee for Decent Publications. The committee was formed in 1958 as the result of a petition with widespread support that was presented […]

Articles on Food: From Rosh HaShanah to American Test Kitchen

September 22, 2011

A book that combines my love of history with my interest in             cooking has to be investigated! Recipes Remembered: A Celebration of Survival tells the tale of Holocaust survivors through the use of recipes. I’ve read accounts of concentration camp prisoners who spoke to each other about food from home to […]

Overdrive Downloadable Ebooks Books Now Available for Kindle

September 21, 2011

With a blink of an eye, the world has changed.  Kindle, well known for its ease of use, has pushed public library’s downloadable books to a new level. With one click, a library book can now be sent via WiFi  to be read on the device itself, or on a Kindle App.  As an avid Kindle […]

Are Bookshelves Heading toward Obsolescence?

September 21, 2011

This slightly tongue-in-cheek article in today’s Chicago Trib poses the question that’s been on everyone’s minds since the surge in eReader popularity: What the heck do you put on your bookshelves when all you have are downloaded eBooks? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how culture will change when […]

Book Signing Etiquette

September 20, 2011

Is it gauche to ask an author to sign an old book, instead of purchasing a new one at the signing? I’m not sure where I come down on this, because it seems the writer should be thrilled to see a loyal reader. However, the purpose of a public appearance is also to sell new […]

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