Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

August 27, 2011

Portrait of the Artist Shelf Awareness talks to The Magician King author Lev Grossman about his many creative influences including his obsession with C.S. Lewis’s Narnia Chronicles, his mother’s British heritage, the traditions of fantasy writing, and the midlife crisis that inspired his debut The Magicians. Literary T.V. Word & Film offers this tantalizing teaser for book-based […]

Did Stanley Kubrick, Always a Visionary Filmmaker, Forsee the iPad?

August 26, 2011

According to Samsung in a legal battle with Apple, Stanley Kubrick (and not Apple) designed the first iPad as seen in his 1968 classic film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Samsung cites a one minute clip from the film that shows two astronauts eating and using personal tablet computers at the same time. The two companies […]

Using Overdrive/MyMediaMall with a smartphone or tablet

August 24, 2011

I’ve used My Media Mall on just about every device out there, and to be honest, in its current design, it’s MUCH easier to use it on a smartphone or tablet that connects directly to the internet.  Instead of plugging in my reader into the computer, all one has to do is download the Overdrive […]

E-book Purchases Up, Print Numbers Down

August 24, 2011

Not surprisingly, results from a new industry survey show that buyers are spending more on e-books and less on traditional books. Multifunctional devices are gaining in popularity over computers, too. This article features two bar graphs demonstrating the latest trends. Shira S.

New Twists on Getting Published?

August 22, 2011

A young writer may have her book turned into a film before it’s even published, according to PW. Rebecca Serle is a 26-year-old who just penned a take on Romeo and Juliet that has been snatched up by no less than Simon and Schuster. Rumor has it that it may star Keira Knightley.  See brief […]

Forbes Releases List of Highest Paid Authors

August 21, 2011

Author James Patterson has topped the list of highest paid authors according to Forbes Magazine. His earnings of $84 million from May 2010-April 2011 were more than twice that of the No. 2 highest earner, Danielle Steel. The number 3 spot went to Stephen King, who earned $28 million, in fourth place was Janet Evanovich […]

Early Reactions to Pottermore Website

August 18, 2011

According to EarlyWord,          Entertainment Weekly was one of a million chosen testers of the new interactive Harry Potter website, Pottermore. So, what’s the verdict? ” While it won’t let you apparate or play Quidditch (there are leagues for that already), J.K. Rowling’s new interactive website Pottermore will at least let you experience some of the […]

Nancy Wake, WWII Heroine Dies at 98

August 18, 2011

Nancy Wake, nicknamed the White Mouse by the Nazis, recently passed away after a long and very eventful life. Her exploits against the Germans during the war became the stuff of legend. Born in Australia, she later moved to England where she married a wealthy businessman. When the conflict erupted she could have remained on […]

Local Art @ EPL

August 18, 2011

We are thrilled to announce a special summer treat for our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  Throughout August, we’re proudly featuring two dozen eye-catching images from the 2010 Faces of Evanston Photo Contest right here on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Branch.  Based on the common theme “Legacy,” the 26 featured photographs include Warren Friedman’s 1st place […]

The Resurgence of the Thriller

August 17, 2011

The Chicago Tribune ran an interesting article entitled The Evolution of the Thriller about the resurgence of the thriller as a popular genre in the post 9/11 world. According to Brad Thor, the author of the bestseller Full Black, the time period after the Cold War through the 1990s was a stagnant period for the […]

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