Japanese E-books Instead of Bookcases

February 7, 2011

Everyone knows that e-books save space, but in Tokyo some people are scanning their books in order to remove them completely! Japanese apartments are generally very small (approx. 400 sq. ft.) and a new business has developed scanning book collections in order to create more living space. Shira S.

The New Yorker

February 7, 2011

This week’s New Yorker is chockablock with articles of great interest. Francisco Goldman gives a poignant account of his brief marriage, which ended in tragedy on a Mexican beach. Joan Acocella offers an illuminating article on British writer J.R. Ackerley (1896-1967), whose four books touched on his homosexuality at a time when being gay could have landed him in prison. And for movie fans, there’s […]

“Save Our Libraries Day” in the UK

February 5, 2011

On February 5th, libraries all over the United Kingdom held events to protest the threatened closure of over 450 library services. Read more about the mass shhh-in and flashmob book readings, as well as the countless authors and other celebrity – along with the not-so-famous – patrons who turned out save their libraries! You might also be inspired […]

Interview with Author of “Googlization of Everything”

February 4, 2011

Siva Vaidhyanathan is coming out soon with a book examining the tremendous impact Google has had on our lives, not only on our information needs. The Googlization of Everything: And Why We Should Worry discusses how Google influences our thinking and how the company may be using the public for its own purposes. After all, […]

A Blizzard of Horror Stories

February 1, 2011

This article is a great starting point for getting acquainted with horror short stories. After reading about these 12 stories I feel motivated to pick up some of the old and new authors in this collection. I definitely want to reread Poe’s “The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” and perhaps after that try Laird Barron’s […]

Book +Video = Vook? More New Technology

February 1, 2011

Welcome to yet another innovation of e-book  technology- the Vook, or a digital video book. This allows the reader/viewer to watch a video in the middle of a book. One writer raves about the way the Vook has improved her exercise routine. (You can skip to the fifth paragraph to hear about the Vook.)  Or […]

Romance Reviews

January 29, 2011

Just in time for Valentines Day, Romance Reviews blog gives you the scoop on the latest Romance, Erotic and GLBT fiction and reviews old favorites as well.

My Kobo ebook Reader: A gateway drug to Kindle

January 29, 2011

I’m going to be in so much trouble here—with librarians, with library users, with my coworkers—well, just about everyone I have talked to in the last six months.  In my household, we are now the sheepish owners of a Kindle with Global 3G and wifi (as well as a Kobo, and ipad). How did this […]

Borders Saved for Now

January 28, 2011

Borders has received a  reprieve from its financial woes. GE has arranged over  a 1/2 billion dollar loan with many conditions attached in order for the chain to reorganize its debt. Stock shares immediately rose. Shira S.

Noticing Trends in Book Covers

January 27, 2011

Recently I noticed that several adult novels seemed to have very similar covers and I wondered about this and what the publishers are trying to convey. In my case, the theme was the backs of women’s heads (see below). To me, this represents mysteriousness- any other thoughts out there? Sure enough, there are people out there who […]

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