Calling all book group members

June 15, 2010

Are you a member of a book group? The Evanston Public Library has created a brief survey asking readers to share titles their club has read recently and to rate the books on how the discussion went. It’s a fairly common question we librarians get–“What are the book groups reading these days?” Some patrons are interested in bringing good suggestions to their own groups;  and some are not book group members, but just interested in having a list of good titles to chose from.

The survey also offers you an opportunity to share insights into what makes a good discussion and how a successful book group is run.  How many members? How often to you meet? How do you select books? Do you stick to certain genres? How about themes? We invite you to complete the survey and to read the responses from other club members. And…thanks for sharing!

Barbara L., Reader’s Services

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