I kid you not. Wayward turkey trots into Deadwood library.

February 9, 2012

OK, so a few months ago I reported in this space about the small library in Winslow, AZ having a cats-in-the-library problem.  Youthful vandals were suspected of stuffing stray cats through the book drop after hours much to the surprise of the librarian the next morning (and very much to the dismay of the bewildered cats, I suppose). That story had a happy ending. A clever craftsman in the area created a screen that allowed book-shaped items to slide through, but stopped cat-shaped items from doing so.

Now this news story came to my attention. (No, I do not spend my off-hours scouring the Net for quirky animal/library news.) Apparently Deadwood, SD is not just famous for being the iconic epicenter of the Old West. Now it can add this dubious, um, feather to its cap.

What next?!

Barbara L.

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