Des Plaines Public Library raises and lowers fines

November 17, 2011

A brief article in today’s Chicago Trib reports that starting next January patrons in Des Plaines will pay 10c more for overdue fines on books and CDs, from 15c a day to 25c. The fine on DVDs, however, will be lowered by half–from $1.00 to 50c. The library hopes to generate $10,000 more in revenue with the new fine structure.

Barbara L.

Des Plaines Public Library May End Year Early

October 15, 2010

Without city approval for a loan of approximately $600,000, the Des Plaines Public Library may need to close for the year on December 5th. The library board will meet to vote on this option next Tuesday, October 19th. For more, see the Daily Herald. In response, Des Plaines Mayor Marty Moylan wants the library to focus on making “basic reading material available” and (among other cuts) stop lending CDs and DVDs for free. Click here to read more.

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