Interface of Technology and Books— Where Are We Headed?

March 10, 2011

Lately much has been written about the various aspects of the gains of e-books on the traditional print market and how publishing and consuming books will continue to change. We are riding the wave of this new technology in a manner similar to that of the past when the VCR, cell phone, PC, etc., all took center stage. Here are a few blog posts and articles looking at some aspects of our current fascination with e-books and its impact on old-fashioned books and even the Internet. See ReadWriteWeb blog for an interesting assortment of ideas relating to these themes. Likewise Michael Hyatt has a few points to add to the debate.  I’m including this group of links regarding environmental effects of e-books, too.If you have another angle to add, go ahead.

Shira S.

My Kobo ebook Reader: A gateway drug to Kindle

January 29, 2011

I’m going to be in so much trouble here—with librarians, with library users, with my coworkers—well, just about everyone I have talked to in the last six months.  In my household, we are now the sheepish owners of a Kindle with Global 3G and wifi (as well as a Kobo, and ipad).

How did this happen, you might ask?  How did this librarian who loved her Kobo so much give into the hype, and purchase the least library compatible device out there??? Continue reading “My Kobo ebook Reader: A gateway drug to Kindle”

Library of America eBooks

December 20, 2010

Library of America, which publishes classic American literature, has announced that it will offer e-books starting in 2011. It will have 30 titles available for the Kindle, the Nook, and the Sony Reader. The list of titles will be available on LOA‘s website in January.

Additionally, LOA will publish Six Novels in Woodcuts by Chicago-born artist Lyn Ward (1905-1985), which are edited by Art Spiegelman. Ward was a pioneer of the graphic novel form and illustrated more than a hundred books. He won a Caldecott Medal for his contribution to children’s literature.

Mary B, Reader’s Services

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