Local Art @ EPL

January 7, 2016

cowan blog

We are excited to introduce Julie Cowan – an Evanston graphic designer and the founder of artruck and archKIDecture – as the next featured artist in our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  Her show is currently on display on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Library where you can catch it through the end of January.  Influenced by her work with master printer Tomas Svoboda in Prague, Cowan’s exhibit features a striking series of electronically-manipulated photographic images layered with multiple stages of printmaking and coloring.  Focusing on her interests in architecture and portraiture, her work explores “how space affects us, invades us and defines us.”  You can see more of Cowan’s art by visiting her website, and make sure to stop back later in the month for a featured interview with the artist herself.  Stay tuned.

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