Local Art @ EPL

November 7, 2013


We are pleased to introduce Evanston photographer Marc Perlish as the next artist in our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  Throughout November, his striking new collection will be on display on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Library where it pays “poetic homage to Bookman’s Alley and the bookstore’s imaginative creator Roger Carlson.”  You can preview Mr. Perlish’s work by visiting his website, and make sure to check back with Off the Shelf later in the month for an interview with the artist himself. Stay tuned.

An Interview with Sarah Hahne

September 22, 2013

“Gravity” by Sarah Hahne

Sarah Hahne is a local printmaker, painter, and the latest artist to be featured in our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  Her show – titled A New Practice – is currently on display on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Library and reuses carpet tread, plastic, and even window screens to create quilt-like works that explore our “conflicted relationship… with our environment and the resulting disconnect with our core selves.”  You can catch A New Practice through the end of September, and after that, you can learn more about Ms. Hahne’s work by visiting her website.  We recently spoke with Ms. Hahne via email about her “first language,” her creative process, Woman Made Gallery, and public art.

Continue reading “An Interview with Sarah Hahne”

Local Art @ EPL

September 8, 2013

sarah hahneWe are thrilled to introduce painter and printmaker Sarah Hahne as the next featured artist in our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  Throughout September, her exceptional collection A New Practice will be on display on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Library.  Based on her “personal geometry” of flat pattern and texture, Hahne reuses carpet tread, plastic, and even window screens in quilt-like works that explore our “conflicted relationship… with our environment and the resulting disconnect with our core selves.”  You can learn more about Ms. Hahne’s art by visiting her website, and make sure to check back with Off the Shelf later in the month for an interview with the artist herself.  Stay tuned.

An Interview with Vincent Brent

August 15, 2013

brent2Vincent Brent is a local painter who was recently featured in our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  His latest collection was on display at EPL’s Main Library throughout July and represented a departure from his typical vibrant colors as he experimented with black and white oils.  If you missed his show, however, don’t fret.  You can view more of Mr. Brent’s work by visiting his website, and he recently spoke with us via email about his artistic awakening following a kite flying contest, his creative process, and art’s unique power to heal.

Continue reading “An Interview with Vincent Brent”

Local Art @ EPL

August 9, 2013

“Peek-a-Boo” by Rene Rivera

We are thrilled to announce a special summer treat for our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  Throughout August, we’re proudly featuring more than two dozen eye-catching images from the 2012 Faces of Evanston Photo Contest right here on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Library.  Based on the common theme “Simplicity,” the 28 featured photographs included Rene Rivera’s 1st place winner “Peek-a-Boo” (above) as well as prizewinners by Petina Dixon-Jenkins, John Martin, Becca Ross, Filtod Walker, and Lloyd Davidson.  So make plans to catch Faces of Evanston as it wraps up its year-long, citywide tour and learn more about this annual Kiwanis-sponsored competition by visiting the websites for Faces of Evanston and the Kiwanis Club.

Local Art @ EPL

July 11, 2013

brentWe are pleased to introduce local painter Vincent Brent as the next featured artist in our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL. From now through the end of July, his latest collection will be on display on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Library. You can view more of Mr. Brent’s work by visiting his website, and make sure to check back with Off the Shelf later in the month for a featured interview with the artist himself. Stay tuned.

Local Art @ EPL

June 7, 2013

zamoraWe are thrilled to introduce local collage artist Maria Zamora Garcia as the next to be featured in our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  From now through the end of June, her collection Sequences will be on display on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Library.  A native of Madrid who splits time between Evanston and Spain, Garcia’s 20 striking collages are simply not to be missed.

Local Art @ EPL

April 4, 2013

manuelWe are pleased to introduce local photographer Manuel Igual Alonso as the next artist in our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  From now through the end of April, his collection My Left Eye will be on display on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Library.  A native of Madrid who splits time between Evanston and Spain, Alonso uses his 19 stunning photographs to express “not what he sees, but how he sees.”

Local Art @ EPL

March 2, 2013

DSC00237We are very happy to introduce local printmaker Ed Dougal as the next artist in our ongoing exhibition series Local Art @ EPL.  From now through the end of March, his vibrant collection Monoprints, Mirrors, & More will be on display on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Branch. Influenced by his studies with the Art Institute’s Alexis Petroff, Dougal’s works extend traditional printmaking techniques by adding rich pastels for eye-popping color. You can preview Mr. Dougal’s work by visiting his website and also meet the artist himself at a portfolio talk and printmaking demo on Saturday, March 23rd from 2-4 pm in the Community Meeting Room.

Local Art @ EPL

February 8, 2013

midget clubWe are thrilled to welcome Leonid Osseny back to EPL this month for a brand-new Local Art @ EPL exhibit.  After making his library debut in 2011, the local architect and designer has returned with a vivid collection of illustrations used in Richard Reeder’s new book Chicago Sketches.  Depicting such diverse Chicago landmarks and personalities as Maxwell Street, Riverview, Nelson Algren, and the Big Klu, Osseny’s stunning graphic works help bring Reeder’s personal vignettes to life.  You can view more of Mr. Osseny’s artwork by visiting the website for his Lincoln Terrace Art Studio and Gallery and also meet the artist himself when he joins Mr. Reeder for an art reception and author reading on Tuesday, February 12 at 7 pm in the Community Meeting Room of EPL’s Main Library.

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