Was Lance's life a fiction?

January 22, 2013

Lance ArmstrongIn light of Lance Armstrong’s recent public apology (sort of) on Oprah’s talk show last week, it appears that some prankster felt so strongly about the admission of performance enhancing drug use that he or she deemed everything Armstrong purported to do a fiction. Said prankster announced on a sign taped to the library shelves that all Armstrong’s books would be moved to the fiction section in the Manly Library in Sydney, Australia.

“Hell hath no furymanly_library_sign_about_armstrong_N2 2 like a librarian,” quipped one reaction to the now viral Internet posting of a photo of the bogus sign. As noted in this Chicago Tribune article from today’s paper, it is not left to the whim of librarians, furious or otherwise, to simply re-catalog a book. A spokesperson from the library said, “Libraries can’t arbitrarily reclassify categories of books, because that depends on the ISBN number that is issued by the National Library.” To find out where Armstrong’s books are shelved here at the Evanston Public Library, visit our catalog.

Barbara L.

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