You’ve had your decorations up for weeks, and now the big day is finally here. That’s right, it’s National Grammar Day, and tonight spell checkers and proofreaders from coast to coast will be celebrating into the wee hours. In honor of this momentous day, we asked a few EPL regulars the following:
What is your biggest grammar pet peeve?
“In our house, we’re constantly hearing ‘me and so-and-so’ instead of ‘so-and-so and I.’ We’re always correcting each other.”
— Kathy Henke, a 13-year Evanston resident and mother of 3
“When someone uses mixed verb tenses in a sentence.”
— Marley Haller, an NU grad living in Evanston since 2003
“Prepositions at the end of a sentence! Also, saying ‘me and him went to…’ Eek! That’s like nails on a blackboard for me.”
— Sheila McGuire, an EPL volunteer and 15-year Evanston resident
If you’re making National Grammar Day resolutions, try the following books to help you reach your goals, but for now… let the festivities begin!