Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
National Poetry Month: April 18th
April 18, 2012
April 18, 2012
Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
April 17, 2012
Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout by Shel Silverstein
April 16, 2012
“I Am Not I” by Juan Ramon Jimenez
This poem was selected by Russell J. (Readers’ Services)
April 15, 2012
Living in Sin by Adrienne Rich
This poem was selected by Lesley W. (Head of Adult Services)
April 14, 2012
Beannacht by John O’Donohue
April 13, 2012
Casey at the Bat by Ernest Lawrence Thayer
April 12, 2012
Psalm and Lament by Donald Justice
April 11, 2012
The Guest House by Rumi
This poem was selected by Don W. (Maintenance)
April 10, 2012
“My friend must be a Bird” by Emily Dickinson
This poem was selected by Callie B-W
April 9, 2012
Digging by Seamus Heaney