why some people be mad at me sometimes by Lucille Clifton
This poem selected by Olivia M. (Reader’s Services)
April 29, 2011
why some people be mad at me sometimes by Lucille Clifton
This poem selected by Olivia M. (Reader’s Services)
April 28, 2011
Baggage by Deborah Warren
This poem was selected by Jeff B. (Reader’s Services)
April 27, 2011
Anti-Love Poem by Grace Paley
This poem was selected by Mary H. (Reader’s Services)
April 26, 2011
His Future as Attila the Hun by Timothy Donnelly
April 25, 2011
Charlotte Digregorio is an award-winning author, teacher, and poet in the traditional Japanese form of haiku. Her poetry has been featured in such publications as Modern Haiku, frogpond, The University of Chicago Magazine, bottle rockets, and Shamrock Haiku Journal, and as Midwest Regional Coordinator of the Haiku Society of America, the Winnetka resident works tirelessly to promote haiku through workshops, conferences, and contests. On May 7th, you can hear Ms. Digregorio speak about the history of haiku when EPL proudly hosts Haikufest from 1-5:30 p.m. in our 1st Floor Community Meeting Room. Featuring a writing workshop, haiku contest, book signings, and additional talks by prolific haikuists and artists, Haikufest is a free, HSA-sponsored poetry event that promises to education and inspire haiku lovers both new and old. To pre-register, simply contact Ms. Digregorio at (847) 881-2664 or EPL at (847) 448-8600. In anticipation of Haikufest, we recently spoke with Ms. Digregorio via email where she shared some of her haiku and poetic inspirations, discussed her work with HSA, and previewed Haikufest’s exciting line-up of speakers.
The Lady’s Reward by Dorothy Parker
This poem was selected by Olivia M. (Reader’s Services)
April 24, 2011
Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats
April 23, 2011
Sonnet XXV by William Shakespeare
This poem was selected by Russell J. (Reader’s Services)
April 22, 2011
Long Gone Lonesome Blues by A.E. Stallings
This poem was selected by Jeff B. (Reader’s Services)
April 21, 2011
Happiness by Raymond Carver
This poem was selected by Rika Ghorbani (Reference Librarian)