An Interview with Timothy L. Campbell & Alice DuBois

June 28, 2012

Timothy L. Campbell and Alice DuBois are Evanston-based artists who made their solo Local Art @ EPL debuts back in 2010.  Now the pair have joined their creative forces for a stunning return exhibit currently on display on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Branch.  Mixing oils, acrylics, and collage, the show presents two dozen spirited and surreal works inspired by history, travel, alchemy, music, and even books from the shelves of EPL.  You can catch their show through July 7th, and after that you can view more of their work by visiting the following: Mr. Campbell’s Flickr site and Ms. DuBois’ Flickr site.  Recently, we spoke with Mr. Campbell and Ms. DuBois via email about drawing vs. painting, Egyptian imagery, Henryk Gorecki’s 3rd Symphony, the circus, and what they’re working on next.

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Local Art @ EPL

June 9, 2012

“King Leonidas” by Timothy L. Campbell

We are proud to welcome Alice DuBois and Timothy L. Campbell back to EPL this month for a brand-new Local Art @ EPL exhibit.  After making their solo library debuts in 2010, the Evanston-based artists have teamed up to present two dozen stunning works that mix oils, acrylics, and collage.  Spirited, surreal, and endlessly creative, the paintings are inspired by history, travel, alchemy, music, and even books from EPL’s own collection which are included in the display.  You can catch their show on the 2nd floor of EPL’s Main Branch through the end of June and also view more of their work at the following: Ms. DuBois’ Flickr site and Mr. Campbell’s Flickr site.  Finally, make sure to stop right back here on Off the Shelf later this month for a featured interview with the artists themselves.  Stay tuned.

An Interview with Timothy Campbell

May 24, 2010

Timothy L. Campbell is an Evanston based artist. He has recently created a series of drawings and short text pieces detailing the lives of residents of the fictional town of Colorido. EPL is pleased and honored feature Mr. Campbell as the first artist in our local artist exhibition series. You can currently view the Colorido project on display on the 2nd Floor of the Evanston Public Library. To view more of Mr. Campbell’s artwork (including the entirety of the Colorido series) you can visit his Flickr site. And if you’d like to meet the artist and discuss his work with him, stop by EPL this Saturday, May 29th between 3PM and 6PM for the Colorido opening gathering. We recently spoke with Mr. Campbell via email about his art, his inspirations, and what it’s like to be an artist in Evanston. Continue reading “An Interview with Timothy Campbell”

Welcome to Colorido

May 14, 2010

If you’re looking for Colorido, you won’t find it on any map. The only way to get there is to visit the Main Branch of the Evanston Public Library and make your way up to the second floor. Here you’ll find the town of Colorido with all its beguiling residents laid out before you. Colorido is the creation of local Evanston artist Timothy L. Campbell. Throughout the month of May you can visit his fictional town and meet its various characters right here at EPL. In addition to beautiful art, Campbell has created elaborate, interwoven backstories for each character that are as colorful as the drawings themselves. So the next time you’re in the library, stop by and explore the strange world of Colorido. And for complete photos and text from the exhibit, visit Campbell’s Flickr site. Stay tuned to Off the Shelf for an upcoming interview with the artist later this month. Enjoy!

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