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Upcoming Evanston Public Library Events and Programs

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Website User Satisfaction Survey

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Escape Room

Mar 28th | 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Join the PEPL!Join the PEPL!

The Partners of the Evanston Public Library is the independent 501(c)3 organization that supports the mission of the Library through fundraising and volunteerism. 

Staff Picks

Biographies and Autobiographies of Oscar Winning Actresses

Check out these biographies and autobiographies of Best Actress winners and Best Supporting Actress winners throughout the years!

Spotlight: Lucille Ball, Pioneer of Television

In honor of Women's History Month, we spotlight the films of Lucille Ball, Pioneer of Television, who also appeared in over 80 movies,

Blueberry Adult Books 2024

Check out the best nature and climate change books for adults from 2024.

Sign-up for a Newsletter!Sign up for a newsletter!

Read the Latest Library News! Choose from our newsletters: Main Library, Children's or Robert Crown Branch OR sign-up for all three!

New Titles

Donate to the LibraryDonate to the Library

Your gift supports equitable access to the diverse programs and collections that build a more engaged and connected Evanston. 

Online Resources

Libby by OverDrive

Borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines on your mobile device. Access popular titles and classics for free with your library card.

Comics Plus

Comics Plus lets you read tons of graphic novels, comics, and manga anytime! Dive into fun stories on any device through your library!

Mango Languages

Mango Languages ​​offers interactive courses in over 70 languages, focusing on vocabulary, grammar and conversation skills.
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