
101 Great Books for Kids

The "101 Great Books for Kids" is an annual curated list that celebrates the best in children's literature.

Anytime Activities for Kids

Challenge your young ones in a scavenger hunt, attempt to solve the mystery of the guessing jar or craft together. Themes change each month!

Antiracist Reads for Kids

Books on race and justice aren't just for adults, there are great titles for your children too. Check out this librarian curated selection.

Jammie Time

Feb 13th | 6:30pm - 7:00pm
Visit the library in your jammies and listen to stories, sing songs, and have fun. Books are for those in PreK and up to Grade 2.

Upcoming Events

Graphic Novel Book Club-Kids: Black Heroes of the Wild West

Feb 15th | 4:00pm - 5:00pm
You love graphic novels, now come talk about them! For grades 3-6. This month we will be discussing James Otis Smith's historically based…

Kids Events Calendar

Get matched with a book!Get matched with a Kid's Book!

Tell us what books for kids you like (and don't!) and our librarians will recommend your next favorite book. 

Tell us what books for kids you like (and don't!) and our librarians will recommend your next favorite book. 

Online Resources for Kids

Visit a museumVisit a museum

Reserve a museum pass for free or reduced-price entry to museums museums, science centers, sporting events, zoos, theaters and more.

Staff Picks

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