
Black History Month

Learn more about how EPL is celebrating and honoring Black History Month!

What Our Patrons are Reading for Winter Reading

Participate in Adult Winter Reading in February! Read any 3 books, fill out a form on the 2nd floor at Main Library, and get 2 free books.

Borrow the Internet with a WiFi hotspot

Evanston patrons 16 and older can borrow the Internet through our Wi-Fi Hotspot lending program.

Law at the Library

Join us on Zoom for presentations by experienced attorneys about various legal topics, followed by brief question and answer sessions.

Upcoming Events

Featured Event

NEA Big Read

Join us for Big Events events through June around the themes of Ross Gay's book of poetry Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude.

Donate to the LibraryDonate to the Library

Your gift supports equitable access to the diverse programs and collections that build a more engaged and connected Evanston. 

Learn at the Library

LearningExpress Library

LearningExpress offers interactive practice tests, exercises, and tutorials for test prep, career development, and skill improvement.

Creativebug: Hankering For a New Skill? The Time is Right!

Creativebug is a single place where you can find literally thousands of award-winning video classes taught by top designers and artists.

Learn Languages at the Library

Do want learn a new language? Maybe you have previous language skills you want to brush up on? The library can help!

1:1 Tech Trainers

Our expert tech trainers are available to assist you with a wide range of topics. Available in English and Spanish.

Get matched with a book!Get matched with a book!

Tell us what books for adults you like (and don't!) and our librarians will recommend your next favorite book. 

Tell us what books for adults you like (and don't!) and our librarians will recommend your next favorite book. 

Older Adults

Understand the Maze of Medicare

Learn the A. B. C's and Part D's and ask questions from a Medicare expert. Sessions are held monthly.

Books on Wheels

If you can't get to the library because of an illness or disability, we'll come to you! Learn more and sign up for Books on Wheels.
Older adults doing chair yoga at the Robert Crown Center

Programs for Healthy Aging

Stay mentally and physically fit at any age with our series of healthy aging programs.

What to Read or Watch

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