Anytime Activities for Kids

Stop by Evanston Public Library* during our operating hours to see what the current month’s offerings are for each of these ongoing "anytime" activities:

Coloring Sheets @ Main Library: Take a coloring page or two for later or color in the Art Garden with available crayons and colored pencils! Coloring is a great fine motor and pre-writing skill to work on! Coloring sheets are located at the Children's Service Desk.

Coloring Sheets @ Robert Crown Branch Library: Take a coloring page or two for later or color with available crayons, markers and colored pencils! Coloring is a great fine motor and pre-writing skill to work on! Coloring sheets are located near the playhouse.

Corner Craft @ Main Library: Find your way to the corner of the Art Garden for a simple craft! In order to avoid larger messes, glue and scissors are available to borrow at the children’s desk. Please return them when you are finished with your craft.

Guessing Jar @ Main Library: Flex those counting and estimation muscles in this monthly-themed guessing challenge! Turn the jar, pick it up even, but make sure the lid remains on! Practice writing your numbers and name when you submit a guess and if you’re close– you may win a prize! 

Scavenger Hunt @ Robert Crown Library: Where is Riley the Rabbit this time? Successful scavengers will win a prize.

Scavenger Hunt @ Main Library: Find out what theme has been chosen for this month’s scavenger hunt! Look high and low, in corners, by windows and around pillars– anywhere is fair game as long as it’s in the Children’s Room! Desk staff are happy to offer hints, but older kids are encouraged to see how many they can find on their own first! Find them all (with or without hints), submit your paper and you may win a prize! 

Short & Sweet @ Main Library: Looking for a take home craft? Short & Sweet has got you covered! Come pick up a kit which includes most materials needed to create the unique monthly craft and an accompanying staff-made video, viewable by scanning the attached barcode! Kits are available while supplies last.

Sticker Mosaic Poster @ Main Library: Add to the current sticker mosaic poster project located at the Children's Service Desk. Can you figure out what the final image will be? This a fun way to practice letter identification, fine-motor and matching skills. 

*EPL has two locations! Please note whether an Anytime Activity is located at either: 

Robert Crown Branch Library- 1801 Main Street, Evanston, IL, 60202

Main Library- 1703 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201