Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

In 2018, the Evanston Public Library commissioned an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) study to take a formal look at the realities and perceptions of equity across the Library’s assets, services and partnerships. The study has catalyzed an open discussion about resource allocation and new approaches to meet the needs of the underserved.

In 2024, as a part of the Library’s strategic planning process, a new Diversity, Equity, Inclusions & Belonging Plan was developed based on input from the Library’s Racial Equity Task Force, staff and the wider community, to guide the Library’s equity efforts for the next several years. The 2024-26 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Plan will drive and be included in the Library’s future strategic plan document.

Past EDI Reports

2022 EDI Efforts

2021 EDI Efforts

2020 EDI Efforts

2019 EDI Efforts

2018 EDI Efforts

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