Indigenous Resource Page

Indigenous Resources

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Online Resources and Local Places to Visit

An Indigenous History of the Upper Great Lakes Region

Session 1, opens a new window | Session 2, opens a new window

This mini-course, taught by Prof. Patty Loew, Director of Northwestern’s Center for Native American & Indigenous Research, focuses on the history of our region from the perspective of First Peoples.

Project READY Module 6: Indigeneity & Colonialism , opens a new window

A good primer on both the history and the present lives of indigenous peoples in the United States.

Gichigamiin Indigenous Nations Museum

Formerly known as the Mitchell Museum of the American Indian, Evanston’s own Gichigamiin Indigenous Nations Museum concentrates on celebrating the rich histories and cultures of the Native communities within Chicago and the Tribal Nations of the Great Lakes region (/Gi-che-gammeen/ – means Great Lakes). It promotes public understanding of cultural diversity through first voice perspectives.

Northwestern University’s Center for Native American and Indigenous Research (CNAIR) , opens a new window

Links to programming, resources and scholarship on Native American and Indigenous issues.

American Indian Center of Chicago (AIC), opens a new window

The mission of the American Indian Center of Chicago (AIC) is to promote fellowship among Indian people of all Tribes living in metropolitan Chicago and to create bonds of understanding and communication between Indians and non-Indians in this city; to advance the general welfare of American Indians into the metropolitan community life; to foster the economic advancement of Indian people; to sustain cultural, artistic, and avocational pursuits; and to perpetuate Indian cultural values.

WTTW: Chicago’s Native American Community, opens a new window

A series of articles and videos about the Chicago area’s Native American communities.

Indigenous Tour of Northwestern, opens a new window

A tour that can be completed online or while walking the Northwestern campus, which makes indigenous connections to campus visible through writing, photos, video, maps, and links to additional online resources.

First Nations Garden (Albany Park) – Cross Streets: Wilson Avenue and Pulaski Road , opens a new window

First Nations Garden (Wiinso, Wiikonge Otishinikaaso) was established in the Spring of 2019 due to community organizing led by Chi-Nations Youth Council with support from Alderman Carlos Rosa of the 35th Ward. Currently, Chi-Nations is working closely with Neighborspace to ensure a more sustainable future for the garden.

The Northwest Portage Walking Museum (NWPWM)

A project that aims to shed light on the natural environment and cultural history of Chicago, a city that is home to the third-largest urban Native American population in the United States.

The Field Museum: Native Truths exhibition , opens a new window

The Field Museum invites you to connect with diverse Native stories and the individuals who share them. Dive deeply into current issues, like threats to Native land and the rights of tribal nations to govern themselves. Celebrate the thriving, modern cultures of today’s Native communities.

American Library Association:  Indigenous Tribes of Chicago, opens a new window

Information about the Tribal Nations of the Chicago region, with links for further information.  Content used by permission of the American Library Association, Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services.

Kanopy Native American Heritage Month Collection, opens a new window

Find documentaries and films by and about Native Americans in these collections, free to view with your Evanston Public Library card!

National Film Board of Canada’s Indigenous Film Archive, opens a new window

An online collection of Indigenous-made films.

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