Children’s LitMatch Kid LitMatch Name* First Last Preferred method of return contact:* Phone Email Email* Phone*Library Card Number* Would you like for us to place suggested books on hold for you?Please note: if you have reached your maximum hold level of thirty items , we will send you a list of suggested titles you can place on hold once you are under the limit again. Yes No Preferred pick up location* Main Library Robert Crown Branch Library What type of materials are you looking for today? Physical library materials we can place on hold for you (we will place up to five items on hold for you) eBooks eAudiobooks Just a list of suggested titles for me to look over, I'll place the holds myself. What is your child's age and grade?*(Examples: age 10/grade 5 or 2 years old) Does your child usually read at, above, or below their grade level? At grade level Above grade level Below grade level Are you looking for fiction, nonfiction or both? Fiction Nonfiction Both If you are looking for fiction, please indicate any preferred genres: Adventure Fantasy Graphic Novel Historical fiction Humor Mystery Realistic fiction Science Fiction Other Tell us up to 3 books your child has read recently and why they enjoyed them.*Are you looking for readalikes? (titles similar to favorite books) Please list some favorite books/authors:If your child does not have any favorite books yet, describe your child's interests, favorite tv shows, movies, or video games.Is there anything else you think the librarians need to know in order to help us find books for you?Please enter a valid Evanston Public Library Card number to submit your LitMatch request.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.