Mission Impossible: Supplemental Materials

Heian Period

Informative and playful video about the Heian period, 13 minutes


Overview of Chinese influence on Classical Japan, 4 minutes


Heian Period, An Introduction, 3 pages 


Heian Japan: An Introductory Essay, 10 pages

About The Tale of Genji

Visually engaging lecture about the The Tale of Genji  (1 hr, 10 min)

Culture of the Aristocracy

Traditional Culture as found in The Tale of Genji, 30 minutes


Aristocracy and Art of the Heian Period, 15 minutes


Ancient Japanese Waka (Tanka) Poetry – Hyakunin-Isshu / 百人一首, 15 minutes


Japanese Coming-of-Age Ceremony, 6 minutes


Koto and Shakuhachi "Tale of Genji" Instrumental Performance, 30 minutes


About the Koto Instrument, 3 minutes

Shinto and Buddhism



History of Shinto and Buddhism, 3 pages


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