Visit the 3rd floor of the Evanston Public Library to explore an exhibit from the Evanston History Center showcasing remarkable women of Evanston. This exhibit is part of a larger initiative to honor the women of Evanston. In 2007, The Evanston Women’s History Project began documenting and celebrating the impactful history of women and women’s…
If you liked Wicked, check out these other movie musical and book duos
Are you a musical theater nerd like me? Did you wait with baited breath for the WICKED movie to come out like I did? Did you love it and now are looking for more book to musical adaptations to devour? Well, here you go! Below are some classic movie musicals and the books that inspired…
Welcome to our New Website!
By eriggsbee
We are excited to introduce our new website and our new brand!
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