Board of Trustees

Board Members

Tracy Fulce, President

1703 Orrington Ave., Evanston 60201
Phone: (847) 834-9893
Email: Tracy Fulce
Term Expires: 6/30/2026

Tracy Fulce is the President of the Board. She is a proud graduate of Districts 65 and 202 and holds a bachelor’s degree in Advertising and an MBA with a concentration in Marketing. Tracy has been a tenured faculty member at Oakton Community College since 2007, where she serves as Chair of Business and Professional Services. She’s active in her community, as a member of EPL’s Racial Equity Task Force, Second Baptist Church, an alum of Leadership Evanston, SEED, Beyond Diversity, and the Admin of District 65 Parents and Guardians. She and her husband are the proud parents of 3 sons, a Freshman at ETHS, a first grader at Kingsway Preparatory School in the 5th ward, and a Shih-Tzu, Max.

Samia Amamoo

1703 Orrington Ave., Evanston 60201
Email: Samia Amamoo
Term Expires: 6/30/2025

Samia Amamoo serves as Vice President of Risk Management for Mather, having joined the organization in 2014. She is responsible for administering the organization’s risk management program, coordinating insurance coverage and risk financing, managing claims, establishing a risk management information system and analyzing related data, and developing and conducting educational programs for staff. Samia also serves as the Corporate Compliance Officer for Mather. She earned a bachelor of science degree from Buckingham University in the UK, a master’s of liberal studies from Georgetown University, and a juris doctor from the University of New Mexico School of Law.

Arikpo Dada, Vice President

1703 Orrington Ave., Evanston 60201
Phone: (312) 428-1550
Email: Arikpo Dada
Term Expires: 6/30/2025

Arikpo Dada is passionate about community building and service and has spent her career within the STEM field to ensure quality educational access for all people.  Currently at Northwestern University, she used her unique set of skills within the Equity in Opportunity Landscape Lab.  As a lifelong learner, she believes the library is a great place to engage and connect with different people from different walks of life.  She and her husband are proud to raise their 3 children here in Evanston.

Catie Huggins

1703 Orrington Ave., Evanston 60201
Phone: (224) 307-5391
E-mail: Catie Huggins
Term expires: 6/30/2026

Catie Huggins holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in music and began work at Northwestern’s music library in 2010. A lifelong library lover, she is thrilled to now work in special collections and archives on the Evanston campus where her passion is making primary sources accessible to all, especially to first time researchers. Additionally, she serves on the committee for the decentering of whiteness in collections and instruction at Northwestern and on the DEI committee for the Library Publishing Coalition. She and her spouse have made their home in Evanston since 2011 and have loved to take their two children to the library since they were babies.

Michelle Mills, Treasurer

1703 Orrington Ave., Evanston 60201
Phone: (410) 575-3660
E-mail: Michelle Mills
Term expires: 6/30/2026

Michelle Mills is a lifelong library user and enthusiast and worked in a library as an undergraduate. Michelle has over 25 years of experience in health and human services policy, technology, and operations within the government, non-profit, and private business sectors. She currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer for a national health policy consulting firm. Michelle has served on nonprofit boards servicing behavioral health, social services, and health education programs. She has lived in Evanston since 2017 where she and her husband are raising their three daughters, all active library patrons. Michelle holds a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University and a master’s degree from the University of Chicago.

Meghan Shea

1703 Orrington Ave., Evanston 60201
Phone: (872) 208-0829
E-mail: Meghan Shea
Term expires: 6/30/2026

Meghan Shea is serving in her first full term as a Library Trustee. She has been an Evanston resident since 2011. Meghan holds an MFA from Northern Illinois University, as well as a BFA from New York University. Libraries remain an important part of Meghan’s life, allowing for access to resources her family couldn’t always afford. She is an alumnus of SEED, Beyond Diversity, and holds a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Certificate from Northwestern University. She most recently was the Chairperson of the PTA Equity Project in D65. Meghan is passionate about building and improving equitable policies in local public institutions to ensure opportunities for belonging for historically marginalized folks in the community. She is also a parent of two kiddos in D65, who love the Evanston libraries!

Terry Soto

1703 Orrington Ave., Evanston 60201
Phone: (847) 338-0917
E-mail: Terry Soto
Term expires: 6/30/2025

Terry Soto received her B.A. in English with High Honors from Lehman College (City University of New York). She has lived in Evanston since 2013 and has worshiped here since 1987. She was a member of the YWCA’s Racial Justice Committee for several years, is an alumna of the Evanston Citizen Police Academy, and a community volunteer of the Evanston Police Department’s restorative justice for youth program. For eight years she co-facilitated racial healing training and community and police dialogues in North Lawndale and was trained as a Peacemaking Circle Keeper. Decreasing geographical, language, economical and educational barriers for all Evanston residents to more easily access library services is important to her. Terry’s earliest childhood memories include 7 ½ mile round trip public bus rides to her family’s closest public library. Her gratitude as a library patron, her experience as a Latina and her two years living outside of the US will also inform her perspective on the board.

Esther Wallen, Secretary

1703 Orrington Ave., Evanston 60201
E-mail: Esther Wallen
Term expires: 6/30/2027

Esther Wallen has been a proud Evanston resident since 2016. Esther obtained a Doctorate in Education with a specialty in Leadership in Innovation and Continuous Improvement. She has spent nearly two decades in higher education, serving in both student affairs and as an instructor in universities throughout Chicagoland, and she is currently the Director of Academic Advising and Study Abroad at Concordia University, Chicago. Esther is also the proud parent of a recent District 65 graduate and two adult children.

Library Director

Yolande Wilburn, Library Director

1703 Orrington Ave., Evanston 60201
Phone: (847) 448-8650
E-mail: Yolande Wilburn

Upcoming Board Meetings

Scheduled 2025 Library Board Meetings:
January 15
February 19
March 19
April 16
May 21
June 18
July 16
August 20
September 3 (Special Budget Meeting)
September 17 (Public Hearing on budget)
October 15 (Truth in Taxation Hearing)
November 19 (Adoption of Tax Levy)
December 17

Unless otherwise noted, meetings are scheduled to begin at 6:30 pm and are currently hybrid.

Note: The minutes posted here are those approved by the Board, therefore they are one meeting behind the schedule of meetings that have taken place.

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