Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Stay healthy with EPL

The Evanston Public Library has a dedicated Health & Wellness librarian who develops programs to help you live your best, healthiest life. Learn from Medicare experts, research medical journals in Medline Plus, an online health information resource that provides high-quality, relevant health and wellness information from the National Library of Medicine, and much more.

Learn with our Wellness series

We live in a time of uncertainty, continuous stress, and daily challenges. This series focuses on different types of wellness and will serve to offer tools, support, and resources to attendees. Types of wellness include: Financial, Emotional, Social, Physical, and Environmental. Registration Required.

Upcoming Wellness series workshops

Day & Time: Thursdays, twice a month, 6pm – 7:30pm
Location: In-Person at Robert Crown Branch Library or Main Library

Health & Wellness Events

Health & Wellness Offerings

Understand the Maze of Medicare

Learn the A. B. C's and Part D's and ask questions from a Medicare expert. Sessions are held monthly.

Join our memory support community

EPL offers workshops, activities, and support groups for those experiencing memory changes and their caregivers.
Older adults doing chair yoga at the Robert Crown Center

Programs for Healthy Aging

Stay mentally and physically fit at any age with our series of healthy aging programs.

Dramatic Staff Picks

Watch these dramatic and moving films!
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