Ensure EPL's commitment to environmental stewardship through sustainable building operations and community programming. Align partnerships and programming to promote
environmental awareness, health, and wellness throughout the community.
Year 1 (2025) Goals and Performance Indicators:
Develop and Adopt a Sustainability Plan:
Create a library-specific sustainability plan aligned with the City of Evanston's Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP), focusing on reducing EPL's carbon footprint, energy usage, and waste across facilities. Integrate sustainable practices-such as energy-efficient lighting, HVAC systems, and eco-friendly materials-into future renovation or relocation projects.
- Indicator: Complete the Sustainability Plan by Q4 2025, with implementation milestones identified for the next two years.
Launch Sustainability Awareness Programs:
Implement workshops and community events focusing on environmental sustainability, including citizen science projects, conservation efforts, and environmental literacy initiatives for all ages.
- Indicator: Launch at least four sustainability-themed programs by Q4 2025, with participant feedback showing increased environmental awareness.
Year 2 (2026) Goals and Performance Indicators:
Sustainable Building Practices:
Begin applying sustainable building practices in renovation or relocation projects based on the Sustainability Plan. Conduct quarterly reviews to ensure alignment with conservation targets.
- Indicator: Achieve 25% integration of sustainable building elements by Q4 2026, with progress reviewed quarterly.
Expand Environmental Programming Partnerships:
Strengthen collaborations with organizations such as the Evanston Environmental Association, Parks and Recreation Department, and State Parks to offer programs focused on outdoor recreation, environmental health, and wellness, particularly for marginalized communities.
- Indicator: Formalize at least three new partnership agreements by Q2 2026, with expanded programming offering increased access to parks and wellness activities.
Year 3 (2027) Goals and Performance Indicators:
Evaluate and Enhance Sustainability Efforts:
Conduct a comprehensive review of sustainability facility and programming initiatives implemented over the past two years to assess their impact, identify areas for improvement, and set new goals for future efforts.
- Indicator: Complete the evaluation by Q3 2027 with clear recommendations for the next strategic planning cycle.